EOTO: Peacock

    As a gen Z, it’s hard to recall the days when streaming services were not at the tips of our fingers. As a child I remember packing into the car and going to Blockbuster to pick out a few movies for the week, I remember my family having a big blue and white iMac computer. My mom having a purple flip phone and my dad constantly playing Brick breaker on his Blackberry. Now looking back these things seem somewhat silly but my generation has been able to see the transformation of technology first hand. We grew up during the birth of accessible technology experiencing it all first hand. 

To see more of Apple's transformation click here.

Overview of Streaming Services

According to pcmag.com, a streaming service is, an online provider of entertainment (music, movies, etc.) that delivers the content via an Internet connection to the subscriber's computer, TV, or mobile device. Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Spotify, and Apple Music are high-profile examples. For the full definition click here. Many if not all of the people within the West use streaming services on a daily basis if not multiple times a day. Many people have stopped using conventional TV services and now rely on streaming services for all their information and entertainment. We can thank YouTubeTV and Hulu for offering live News. The growth of streaming services will most likely not slow down anytime soon due to the price and popularity among young people. As a young person myself I already pay for these services and will continue to because I know I am saving money compared to conventional TV services, in addition, I am constantly moving between locations due to being in college and all of these services are moveable with me. 


    Netflix was founded in 1997, Netflix when started, a website in which people could order movies and then they would be shipped to your house. Then in 2007 Netflix switched over to an online streaming platform. Netflix had a low monthly fee that allowed you access to all movies and tv shows. YouTube was founded in 2005, YouTube is a platform for users to upload videos of all types but is widely known for Music Videos. YouTube was a completely free service but there were advertisements to create revenue. Hulu was released in 2008, the development of Hulu isn't anything crazy but had some perks that Netflix did not and cons that Netflix also did not have. Hulu also has a low monthly fee but there are advertisements unless you choose to pay a higher price for no commercials. On the upside, Hulu had more up-to-date shows and allows users to watch some shows the day after they air. These streaming services led the way for many other services such as Amazon Prime video,  Tubi, YouTube TV, Pluto TV, Google Play, Disney+, Peacock, and others. To learn more about the beginning of streaming services visit, businessofbusiness.com.


    The development of Peacock is still somewhat unknown due to the newness of the company. Peacock Tv was founded in April of 2020 under the division of NBCUniversal. Peacock is named after NBC's logo the Peacock. Peacock is a completely free service that allows for viewing of shows and movies or paying a low monthly fee of $4.99 for unlimited streaming. Peacock has live News, shows for children, live sports, and many other things. To create your own Peacock account visit www.peacocktv.com.


    The impact of streaming services has been overwhelming, and the best example of this is Blockbuster. Back in 2000, Netflix founder Reed Hastings approached then Blockbuster CEO John Antico and requested $50 million for Netflix. At the time, it was believed that Netflix served a niche market and wasn't worth pursuing. What we now know as the norm, wasn't always that way. Blockbuster is gone, and the days of physically going into a store to rent movies are over. Convenience has been a very large factor driving the impact of streaming. This also has led to a rise in buying of smart TVs. 
To learn more about the selling of Blockbuster read this article.
    Overall the popularity of streaming services is at an all-time high with plenty of different options for everyone to choose from. The growth of these services is expected to continue to rise, I also believe that they will continue to rise since many streaming services have been buying specific shows along with the creation of their own original shows. 


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