The Age of AI

    After watching the video The Age of AI I am left with mindboggling information. I knew that Artificial Intelligences was present in our world, we use it daily with face recognization on our iPhones, cops use it to match suspects, etc. but I did not realize how advanced it really is until watching the video. With the video being now two years old it also makes me wonder how much more advanced things have become within the last two years. 

    I had never learned about AI in other countries such as China and had little knowledge about how it was being used within the United States, after learning more about both it makes me grateful to live in the US but also at times fearful. In the US there are problems with our AI and how it is being used against us, but nowhere near the extent that it is being used in China. Orville Schell believes that "China and the US are diverging apart and becoming forces fighting against each other" within the realm of AI. 

    China is using AI in a multitude of different ways such as paying for things with facial recognization so that people can shop in stores without cashiers. China has also started to track data on all things that citizens such as bike rides, food deliveries, and phone interactions. With this, they want to implement a social score. If you follow the social rules you get a hirer score which can lead to discounted bus fare and a lower score can result in a ban from flying. Using this will allow for the punishment of bad behavior and a reward for good behavior but this raises the flag of imposing on civil liberty and people doing good but being silenced at the expense of good behavior. This also leaves little to no privacy for the citizens because you're being watched at all times. In the US AI is being used in different but similar ways, the biggest way is our AI tracking what we search to then predict what we will search in the future. Our AI in the US is being used to learn information about us to try to predict what we will desire in the future. Shoshana Zuboff says it best, "We came into this thinking we were users of social media it didn’t occur to us that social media was using us. We thought we were searching Google and we had no idea that Google was searching us." With that being said Google is also at the forefront of AI in the US but also easily one of the most-watched companies. What Google was doing was unknown until the company went public in 2004, in 2010 the C.E.O of Google, Eric Schmidt told the Atlantic Magazine, "We don't need you to type at all. Because we know where you are, with your permission, we know where you've been, with your permission. We can more or less guess what you're thinking about." Google's information was being passed along to other companies such as Facebook. Later in 2018 the Cambridge Analytica scandal which was advertisers working to change political outcomes ended up leaving Mark Zuckerburg the founder of Facebook in the hot seat leaving him to explain how the information of 87 million Facebook users was being harvested by a political consulting company in the UK. The actions of these events led Alastair Mactaggart a real estate developer to start his own campaign. An initiative for the Californa ballot for a law to give consumers control of their data. The state house took his initiative and made it a law, the vote was unanimous. 

    Overall after learning about the AI technology within the US and China I believe there are many pros and cons but a very fine line we are walking on. The upside is driverless cars and trucks making for more efficient travel and delivery of goods but on the downside of that there can be job loss that is irreplaceable. We can use it to teach computers how to detect the early stages of Breast Cancer which is a great thing. The cons would be us not knowing what all of our information is being tracked along with us constantly being watched. I do believe that AI could help protect our National Security by profiling people in order to prevent acts of terroism. I also believe that identy theaft could be lessened with AI. In general AI can be a great thing if we use it for the right reasons. If we abuse the power we could live in George Orwell's 1984 in just a few short years.


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