Top Five Sources of News and Information

Top Five News Sources

News is something we all consume daily whether we choose to or not, there is simply no way around this. As we are all now consumed by social media we ultimately consume news through these social media outlets. I do believe that it is extremely important to keep up with the news in today's world. I say this because social media information can get skewed, social media is like a huge game of telephone. Due to this, it is extremely important to stay up to date on news through a multitude of different outlets. This is important to see one story from different outlets so that one may be able to form their own opinion on situations. 

Fox News 

Fox News is an American multinational conservative cable news television channel based in New York City. Fox News is the biggest news station that I follow, again growing up this was the one major station, my parents, constantly played and because of this it became the station I also follow. I suggest staying up to date with Fox News because as a major provider they have information fast with crucial information.

Link to Fox News:

NPR: National Public Radio

National Public Radio also known as NPR is an American privately and publicly funded non-profit media organization based in Washington, D.C. I keep up with NPR because of their wide variety of podcasts. NPR has podcast that range from news to music. NPR is a great way to keep up to date with the news but also to hear a multitude of podcasts. NPR is a great source to both listen and read the latest in the news. 

Link to NPR:

Fox 8

Fox 8 is a Fox-affiliated news station owned by Nexstar media group. Located in High Point, North Carolina serving the piedmont region. Being from the piedmont area this was the station that I grew up watching. I suggest watching this station to anyone that is in the piedmont area including High Point University students so they can stay up to date on the local news. 

Link to Fox 8:

NBC: Stay Tuned 

NBC: Stay Tuned is a show started by NBC News, which is a news station that is part of the American broadcast television network. Stay Tuned has a team of 30 people that covers stories based on national and international news shown on Snapchat and Instagram. I recently got hooked on Stay tuned through Snapchat, I have been obsessed with Stay Tuned. I feel this way because they report on stories that are wild and often do not make it to larger stations. 

Link to NBC article: 


Facebook is an American-owned multinational social media company founded by Marc Zuckerburg based in California. In a world full of social media I can easily say that I stay up to date using Facebook. I enjoy being a part of multiple different Facebook groups such as concerned citizen's pages to hear about local things happening in the community that might not be on larger news stations. Although not everything on the internet is true it is still a good way to stay up to date. I suggest this to others to be aware of things in their communities from other locals. 

Link to Facebook:


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